Vita on learning English
I got lucky and one of my favourite people in Tokyo agreed to answer my questions about her experience learning English.
Although English is not her first language, Vita is now an English language instructor, and one of the most popular instructors at the school where I used to teach.
Also, I’m jealous because her Japanese is also far better than mine 😅
Here’s the inspiring and wonderful Vita in her own words!
Name: Vita Klavina
Born in: Latvia
First language: Latvian
Other languages: English, Russian, Japanese
How has English impacted your life? 英語はあなたの人生にどんな影響がありましたか?
It has allowed me to study and live abroad, travel, enjoy films, books and music in English and most of all has given me many friends from all over the world.
What did you enjoy most about learning English? 英語の勉強、一番楽しかったことは何ですか?
Finding out what my friends were saying, understanding lyrics of my favourite songs and being a part of a conversation.
What challenges did you face learning English? How did you overcome them? 英語を勉強したとき、どんな問題に直面しましたか?どうやって克服しましたか?
Not being able to use natural English soon enough, I guess and sometimes feeling inadequate because of not a “native speaker”. I think my “challenges” started in my head, I wanted to speak like a native speaker and without mistakes. So it sometimes stopped me from speaking.
I just made a point of remembering phrases, intonation and copying them. I listened carefully to my friends, watched movies and built my very long list of idioms, natural expressions etc.. I then simply had to choose the right phrase in the right occasion.
I still write down every good new phrase, proverb I hear.
Please share an incident or a moment where you felt that you had reached a milestone. Any insights? あなたは、節目に達したを感じた瞬間か出来事を教えてください。何か洞察を得ましたか?
Personally for me it was becoming an English teacher and passing the necessary exams.
What advice do you have for people studying English? 英語を勉強している人にアドバイスをください。
Find your strengths and use them. I know that listening is my strong point so that’s what I focused on when learning English.
Enjoy doing your favourite things in English and never give up.